Saturday, March 24, 2007

Put On Your Thinking Cap

Do We need a Moral Right to Question Others???

Often in discussions and arguments, one most interesting piece of defence that people use is to question the moral right of the person questioning them. I will illustrate this with a simple example. Ram is a college student who was found using unfair means in is semester exam. His friend Chandran confronted him after the exam and asks him as to why he did that. Ram’s counter question is almost instantaneous. He asks, “Chandru, what right do you have to question me? You also used the same means last semester to pass!!.”

I have come across this form of defence in many other areas. In politics, Congress party says BJP has no moral authority to charge Congress with corruption as they themselves are corrupt. At home, often younger siblings cite incidents of some nature to question the moral authority of parents/elders to enforce discipline, like if the father is a smoker, the son believes that the father has no right to question his own smoking habits. Alternatively, parents retort when pointed out mistakes by their young children, with a typical answer “You are a kid born yesterday. And you are questioning me???”

To cut the long story short, I would simply put it like this.

Mahatma Gandhi says Don’t Cheat.

A convicted thief says Don’t Cheat.

Is the value of the statement Don’t Cheat, a function of the person saying it? Does the same statement when said by Gandhi, more valuable than the other? I don’t think so. The value of the statement Don’t Cheat is indestructible. Its relevance, importance and significance remain the same regardless of who is saying it. Often, when confronted with situations and arguments which highlight our own incompetence and inadequacies, we tend to take refuge in the fact that the other person has no moral authority to question us and infact, take that as green signal to continue with our vices.

If it requires a person of complete character to question any one’s vices, then I don’t think any one of us can point out mistakes or provide guidance in any one else. We all are imperfect in some form or the other, at different points of time in life. It will do us more good to look at WHAT is being said, rather than WHO is saying it. Even if the greatest of advices are coming from the hardest of the criminals, it is worth absolutely the same as Krishna’s BhagavadGita to Arjun.

But yes, it would do us, others and the situation better, if we lead by personal example and then start dishing out advices. People unconsciously tend to blindly listen to so called good people, in the belief that all that they are saying is good. It makes me laugh though. Perceptions!! Oh, didn’t I tell you that we are all a part of an Imperfect World?


CVR said...

You got it brother!! :-)

Hare said...

Ram’s counter question is almost instantaneous. He asks, “Chandru, what right do you have to question me? You also used the same means last semester to pass!!.”

Lets dissect!!

Ram understands he used an incorrect means. So is Chandru questioning if Ram understands whether his action was correct or incorrect. Or is Chandru questioning Ram the person? If it was the former, I believe the answer is evident from Rams' retort, and if it was the latter, well, Ram answered it! More often than not, people tend to answer to the personal aspect of the question rather than the conceptual, isn't it? In any case, if this is about establishing morals, Ram knew exactly what he was doing when he copied, and the way he answered the question implies that he also felt it was not the correct way of doing things - which is why the defensive-offense part sprouts out!
A totally different angle is - why is Chandru even questioning Ram in the first place once the action has been done? Does that imply a personal edge to the question which in turn elicits a personal attack from Chandru!!

I dont disagree - just wish to the examples you have quoted, I do not see the intend to question the morals, rather a finger pointing towards an action committed!
But going down the path I just listed out, the moralistic basis of each and every human will be an individual asset and just that...each individual will completely own their respective definitions and dimentions of morals - and that I have to admit need not exactly build up to a cognitive society theory!!

Karthikeyan said...

" 'What you are!' shouts so loudly at my ears, i can't hear what you say" - Says Emerson on the power of influencing people. I also do believe that 'who' says is as important as what is said.

The Soul Doctor said...


in the examples you have quoted, I do not see the intend to question the morals, rather a finger pointing towards an action committed!

You have given a completely fresh perspective to the entire issue. your arguments are compelling and logical.


I feel that, WHATEVER may be the intention of the person who is saying it, even if it is blantant finger pointing, it never can become a piece of defence for your own immoralities and incompetence.

Ram understands he used an incorrect means.

i wonder what the term understands mean. because to my mind, if I understand that i did a mistake, it inherently begets repentence and further corrective course. Understanding one's mistake never results in indignation or angry retorts. in your case, the suitable reply could be......."yes i was wrong. But I had the same compulsions as you had when you used unfair means."

each individual will completely own their respective definitions and dimentions of morals -

VERY true. I totally agree with you on this. its all shades of grey.neither snow white nor carbon black.

But, having interacted with almost 70 different nationalities personally, I find a startling fact, underlying and supporting the very basis of human civilisations......all cultures,irrespective of their superficial standards of societal morals, have very similar ethical standard caliberated about human honesty, integrity and such. it almost seems animal instinct...handed over millions of yrs of evolution

thanks for your exhaustive comment:)

The Soul Doctor said...


nice quote. thanks for visiting the blog:)


one liners in comments are not welcome. ullen ayya nu Present solra madiri iruku :P

Karthikeyan said...

hi, this blog has created quite an interest in me to read a couple of times to digest your thoughts.. just giving my opinion too!

"Is the value of the statement Don’t Cheat, a function of the person saying it? Does the same statement when said by Gandhi, more valuable than the other? I don’t think so. "

In reality, the statement, i feel is a function of the listener... because a listener always evaluates the credentials of the speaker... if the speaker is unknown to the listener then he can take the statement in its face value...

but thiruvalluvar says 'epporul yaar yaar vai ketpinum apporul mei porul kaanpathu arivu'... might be he says 'dont worry who says... but do use your brains as to what truth is...

Shruti said...

This is the natural phenomenon or you can say the nature of people that they are very open to see other's fault and like to give thier advices either they are welcome or not...and on the second side no one is ready to listen abt thier vices....

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Came across your blog after seeing your profile on one of the matrimonial sites..Interesting and very profound, I must admit.


The Soul Doctor said...

@ sum_2007

thanks. you are welcome. :)


Anonymous said...


My pleasure!

Cogito Ergo Sum said...

That's my blog-Just a single post there..:-)


Ramaa Iyer said...

Nice blog & am here for the firsttime.Your finishing lines are good & just hit the nail on the head Karthik.

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